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  • Project Updates - Angel of Mercy

    The Blog

    Project Updates

    So we have been updating on kickstarter pretty often, and some on Facebook and I thought it was time to provide an update on the site. We have made great progress and the pencils are basically done. We have been working with Clint and colors are coming in pretty well, and we expect the colors to be wrapped up by the end of June. Of course next is letters, but just having pencils done and colors started is a huge milestone in the process.

    Its a little behind schedule but the quality of work coming back from the artists continues to be amazing and the pages on our walls (literally on the walls in our houses) are really coming together! Meanwhile we are tying up the loose ends on rewards so once the prints come in we can couple them with Kickstarter rewards and get them to you.

    There are a lot of moving parts but the bottom line is that its coming along very well and the quality has not suffered one bit.

    Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:40:00 PM Categories: News Updates


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