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  • AOM Underground

    AOM Underground

    Welcome to the Angel of Mercy Community page. This page is informational, and once you've read the rest of this, feel free to click on and read the blog entries or begin posting on the forums. Both links are below.

    The community page serves many purposes. The blog is purely for information purposes and mostly what we post there is creative writing. You can also find answers to many questions here, from questions/suggestions about our site to targeted questions about the story.

    Most of all, the Community page is for respecting other participants and creating an enjoyable experience for all. Please keep this in mind while interacting and try to be mindful of others expriences. Yes, you have the right to freedom of speech but we have the right to remove you from our forums if we don't approve of your speech. Any and all posts are subject to review. They can and will be removed at any point in which we deem necessary.