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    Posts in Category: News

    Project Updates 

    So we have been updating on kickstarter pretty often, and some on Facebook and I thought it was time to provide an update on the site. We have made great progress and the pencils are basically done. We have been working with Clint and colors are coming in pretty well, and we expect the colors to be wrapped up by the end of June. Of course next is letters, but just having pencils done and colors started is a huge milestone in the process.

    Its a little behind schedule but the quality of work coming back from the artists continues to be amazing and the pages on our walls (literally on the walls in our houses) are really coming together! Meanwhile we are tying up the loose ends on rewards so once the prints come in we can couple them with Kickstarter rewards and get them to you.

    There are a lot of moving parts but the bottom line is that its coming along very well and the quality has not suffered one bit.

    Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:40:00 PM Categories: News Updates

    Kickstarter Successfully Funded! 

    So kickstarter is now successfully funded. After a wild ride and a lot of doubt we have learned one thing above all else... WE HAVE THE BEST FANS ON KICKSTARTER.

    So now we will get down to the details of the story. We will work with the artists on the pencils and colors, work with vendors on the incentives, work with printing companies on, well... prints. In the end all of this was made possible by our fans and backers. AOM Underground has made this project possible!

    I can tell you that all of the creators of the project offer their HUGE THANKS to both, the supporting cast of family and friends we have around us, and the amazing backers who made this possible.


    Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:06:00 AM Categories: News Updates

    Author Interview with RoamingStartup 

    A couple of weeks ago we completed an author interview with RoamingStartup.com. They post podcasts to their site of author interviews they perform for Kickstarter campaigns. Zach and Bob were excellent to work with, guided us through their process flawlessly and asked terrific questions.

    During the video we discuss a variety of things including how we feel about the medium of graphic novels and what inspirations we find in the genre. Check out the video and feel free to share it amongst your friends. We are extremely close to wrapping this up and we need the help of this fantastic community to push us to success!

    Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:18:00 PM Categories: News Updates

    Website Development Finally Finished! 

    We finally finished our website design!

    Initially we went in with a very artistic mindset, but in the end we realized that we needed to balance that with a professional display. We are very proud with what we have created and in the end we believe this will be very conducive to fan interaction.

    For now the Forums page is still being setup so alot of it is locked down and the "Relevant" section is bare. The relevant section will end up being a repository of information. Most of this will be stuff we found useful for our needs while trying to get something independently published. The rest will be things we find in the future.

    You can put your feedback in a comment on this post or you can check out our forums page here. There is a suggestions topic which you can add threads too. Please look everything over and let us know what you think!

    Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:00:00 AM Categories: News Updates Website